Everything You Need to Create an Osha-Compliant First Aid Program in 2021

First aid suppliesOSHA-compliant first aid kits are vital for avoiding fines at your business and keeping your employees safe, but how do you become compliant?

Below we’ll discuss what OSHA is, what their requirements for first aid kits are, some tips for compliance, and the items you need to have in stock to comply.

What is OSHA?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a national governmental agency that ensures safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance.

OSHA & First Aid Kits

OSHA released a baseline list with the minimally acceptable number and type of first-aid supplies for first-aid kits, which every business must have on hand to comply. However, OSHA also requires that beyond that baseline list, adequate first aid supplies are readily available at every business based on that workplace’s level of risk. For example, the first aid supplies required for high-risk environments, like construction sites, are much different than what is required in the typical office building.

Evaluate Your Hazards

To fully comply with OSHA’s first aid guidelines. your first aid program must be stocked with the appropriate supplies to manage the hazards which can be reasonably expected to occur in your workplace. Therefore, to begin the compliance process, you first need to evaluate the potential work-related hazards at your place of business and purchase the appropriate supplies to manage those hazards and help those that may be injured.

OSHA First Aid Best Practices

OSHA also offers businesses some best practices to simplify the compliance process. Read below to see some tips for compliance:

The Minimum Supplies You Need to Comply

The minimally acceptable number and type of first-aid supplies OSHA requires for first-aid kits are listed below.

  1. Gauze pads (at least 4 x 4 inches).
  2. Two large gauze pads (at least 8 x 10 inches).
  3. Box adhesive bandages (band-aids).
  4. One package gauze roller bandage at least 2 inches wide.
  5. Two triangular bandages.
  6. Wound cleaning agents such as sealed moistened towelettes.
  7. Scissors.
  8. At least one blanket.
  9. Tweezers.
  10. Adhesive tape.
  11. Latex gloves.
  12. Resuscitation equipment such as resuscitation bag, airway, or pocket mask.
  13. Two elastic wraps.
  14. Splint.
  15. Directions for requesting emergency assistance.

However, OSHA also states, “the contents of the first-aid kit listed should be adequate for small work sites, consisting of approximately two to three employees. When larger operations or multiple operations are being conducted at the same location, additional first-aid kits should be provided at the worksite, or additional quantities of supplies should be included in the first-aid kits.”

According to this statement, your business will likely need much higher quantities of each item than what is listed above, unless your company has three employees or fewer.

Expired Supplies

You will also want to ensure that none of the above supplies have expired. With the lockdowns and general chaos over the last year, many organizations have neglected to check their first aid supplies. Not checking leaves your business subject to fines and endangers anyone that may need those supplies in the event of an emergency.

Want help getting your business’s first-aid program OSHA-compliant? Speak with one of our First Aid Experts today.

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