Consolidated Services

Consolidate All of Your Fire & Life Safety Needs With One Trusted Partner

We Offer First Aid & Life Safety Products & Services Across the Tri-State Area

TFP customers can bundle all of the fire safety services and products their building needs without having to manage multiple vendors. And bundling comes with incredible time and cost savings. Keep reading to see all of the benefits you can enjoy by consolidating services with TFP.

Why you should consolidate your fire and life safety needs with TFP:

Remain Compliant With Changing Codes
Automatically stay up to date with all national and local fire codes, AHJ regulations, and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. Our fire safety experts closely follow the changing requirements across the country and implement them at your facility.

Continue to Prevent Violations & Fines
We ensure all of your fire safety equipment is up to date and compliant throughout your building. This way, you will never receive a compliance violation or fine from your city or fire department.

Maintain Quality Reports
We keep meticulous reports for every customer. These reports keep a record of all services that have been completed and will be needed in the future. With TFP, you’ll never struggle to remember when your fire safety systems need to be serviced. Additionally, you will always have proof that your systems are maintained and up to code.

Always Be Prepared for Upcoming Inspections
Our detailed reports let us know when a customer is due for an inspection. Our technicians proactively notify and fully prepare customers for all upcoming inspections. And if our team performs the inspection, you can be sure your systems will be working properly in an emergency.

Consolidate Your Fire Safety Vendors
With TFP, you can meet all of your building’s fire safety needs with one phone number. Imagine the time you will save by not having to call and wait on hold with five or ten providers. Additionally, there are serious cost savings when you bundle your services with TFP.

Simplify Invoicing With One Trusted Partner
Don’t be overwhelmed by multiple invoices from multiple fire safety vendors. Instead, set up a simplified invoice cadence with one trusted partner. Simplified invoicing empowers you to focus on other important initiatives beyond paying invoices.


Find out how much time and money you can save by bundling all of your fire and life safety needs with TFP.