Infrared Electrical Inspections

Prevent Costly Electrical & Mechanical Malfunctions With Infrared Electrical Inspections

We Offer Infrared Electrical Inspections Across New York City (NYC) & the Tri-State Area

Electrical and mechanical malfunctions are one of the leading causes of commercial building fires.

Total Fire Protection’s Infrared Electrical Inspection services safeguard against the hazards of electrical and mechanical malfunctions by identifying the need for repair or replacement of affected equipment before equipment failure or fire occurs.
“One of the first steps when implementing an electrical Preventative Maintenance Program is to perform a complete Infrared Thermographic Survey of all electrical equipment. This type of survey should also be performed on a periodic basis – usually once a year.” Traveler’s Insurance Co.

How It Works

Using thermal imaging, an infrared electrical inspection detects and documents potentially dangerous hot spots and anomalies in energized electrical components and panels. Periodic infrared scans of electrical, mechanical and steam system components are often mandated by insurance companies and are recommended as part of a Preventive and Predictive Maintenance program.
Infrared thermographic survey
Infrared thermographic survey

What Equipment Is Inspected


  • Automatic Transfer Switches
  • Air Circuit Breakers
  • Bus Ducts
  • Capacitors
  • Circuit Breakers
  • Control Cabinets
  • Current Transformers
  • Disconnect Switches
  • Distribution Panels
  • Emergency Distribution Panels

Electrical (cont’d)

  • Emergency Power Panels
  • Emergency Power Transformers
  • Environmental Control Units
  • Fire Pump Panels
  • Generators
  • Incoming Lines
  • Junction Boxes
  • Lightning Arrestors
  • Lighting Contactors
  • Metering Cabinets


  • Steam Supply Lines
  • Condensate Lines
  • Steam Traps


  • Rotating Machinery
  • Refractories
  • Boilers
  • Etc.
Infrared electrical inspection

Why Preventive And Predictive Maintenance Is Important

Periodic Preventive and Predictive Maintenance allows facilities to gain back time, resources and money spent reacting to and searching for problems.

IR Electrical InspectionInfrared inspections:

  • Are precise
  • Reduce unscheduled downtime
  • Reduce equipment damage
  • Reduce insurance costs
  • Reduce risk of fire due to electrical and mechanical malfunctions
  • Increase personnel effectiveness

Total Fire Protection’s annual Preventive and Predictive Maintenance program is an effective way of preventing electrical and mechanical malfunctions that can lead to equipment failure and building fires.

Concise Reporting

Total Fire Protection’s Infrared Inspection Reports are concise and on-point, making problems easy to diagnose and repair.

  • Complete List of Equipment Inspected
  • Written Narrative of the Survey
  • Problem Area Temperatures and Location
  • Potential Cause of the Problem with Digital Photographs

Need industrial insulation services too?
Learn more about our industrial insulation services.

Highly-Trained, Certified Technicians

TFP and our expert technicians are certified to perform infrared electrical inspections in newly constructed buildings, entertainment venues, hospitals, schools, restaurants, commercial buildings, and more.

We ensure your facility meets all national and local fire codes, AHJ regulations, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 25) standards, and is fully prepared in the event of an emergency.

TFP offers infrared electrical inspections across New York City (NYC) & the Tri-state area! Call now and our quick response teams will get the job done, no matter how large.
