Having your building’s fire alarms inspected is one of the best ways to ensure your system is up to code and functioning as intended. A working system will protect you and your employees from injury and possible death and can reduce property damage and the need for costly repairs. Below, we’re going to discuss how often inspections need to occur, what gets inspected, and what you can do to prepare for a professional inspection.
How Often Do You Need to Have an Inspection Done?
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requires that your commercial fire alarm system be inspected by a certified technician at least once a year. This check will confirm your building is up to code and will function properly in case of a fire.
What an Inspection Includes
An inspection will be comprehensive and cover your entire system. The technician will confirm that all detection devices – including manual pull alarms – are functioning correctly. They’ll test each visual and audible alarm for proper functionality as well.
They will also test your control panels and backup power systems to make sure that all electrical devices will be triggered and powered as appropriate if a fire is detected.
Lastly, a whole-system check is performed to confirm that each functioning portion of the system works together as needed when the system is triggered.
Risk of Not Having an Inspection
Neglecting to have your fire alarm tested will put you, your employees, and your property at severe risk. If a fire occurs and your system fails to alert building occupants, you risk personal injury and loss of life, and you also risk the fire spreading and causing more damage to your property.
Additionally, you can get a building fire code violation and associated fines if your system is discovered to be uninspected.
What You Can Do to Prepare for an Inspection
Before you have a certified professional inspect your system, you should perform your own inspection to ensure your system is free of damage and that you’re following best practices.
Check fire extinguishers for physical damage and expiration date, and make sure they have adequate pressure. Make sure all building exits are unobstructed and that you have proper signage posted throughout your facility. Lastly, ensure that manual pull alarms aren’t blocked by furniture or decor.
Why You Should Get an Inspection ASAP
No building owner wants to consider that a fire could occur in their facility. However, being prepared is the best way to protect yourself, your employees, and your property. A professional inspection will ensure that any fire is detected and responded to promptly and that all building occupants are made aware so that they can escape safely.
Regular inspections can save lives and minimize costly repairs to your building and equipment.
When you’re ready to have your fire alarm checked or upgraded in your building, contact one of our certified fire alarm experts for a comprehensive system inspection and maintenance to ensure your equipment is up to code and keeping your building and anyone inside as safe as possible.