Heat Illness on the Course

Couple on a golf course

With the summertime comes extended time spent outdoors enjoying a wide array of activities. Country clubs and golf courses, in particular, see a large influx of guests enjoying the amenities all day long. However, with the fun outside in the summer also comes the risk of a variety of heat-related illnesses. Here is some information on heat-related illnesses and how you can be prepared in case you need to help your guests and employees should an emergency situation occur:

Heat Illnesses to Look Out for on the Course

From heat stroke to heat rash, there are quite a few heat illnesses that can strike when people spend too much time in the sun and hot weather. In general, heat illness is a medical condition that occurs when the person’s body can no longer dissipate heat effectively. Here are some heat illnesses to be aware of so you know how to respond if your guests or employees experience any of these ailments:

  • Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is a severe heat-related illness. When heat stroke occurs, the individual may experience a wide array of serious symptoms, such as heavy sweating, slurred speech, extremely high body temperature, confusion, unconsciousness, rapid heart rate, and other symptoms.
  • Heat Exhaustion: Heat exhaustion is a type of heat-related illness that may precede heat stroke. Symptoms of heat exhaustion may include thirst, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, heavy sweating, high body temperature, and additional symptoms.
  • Heat Cramps: Heat cramps are sometimes thought to be muscle cramps but are more serious. This type of cramping is the result of severe dehydration and needs immediate attention to avoid potentially serious injuries, such as permanent neurological or muscular damage.
  • Heat Rash: Heat rash is a heat-related illness that appears in the form of a rash on the body, oftentimes on the neck, upper chest, and other visible areas. However, heat rash can form anywhere on the body. This serious rash requires immediate attention, as with the other illnesses caused by heat. 
  • Intense Sunburn: Intense sunburn is another heat-related ailment to be on the lookout for with your guests and employees. Too much time in the sun can lead to a dangerous sunburn as a result. 

In order to treat these heat-related illnesses, it’s important that your business is prepared should any of these ailments occur to your guests or team members. 

First Aid and Safety Programs for Country Clubs/Golf Courses

Fortunately, there are first aid and safety programs available to country club and golf course owners and managers in order to be prepared in the case of a heat-related emergency or other emergency preparation needs. Here are some of the first aid and safety programs your business should consider:

Fire and Life Safety Services for Country Clubs

A comprehensive fire and life safety service offering can help your country club or golf course meet all national and local fire and safety regulations. With consolidated fire protection services, you don’t have to wonder if your club is properly protected. You’ll know that it is once you have this type of comprehensive program in place. 

First Aid Kit with dressing material

Preparedness Kits

Being prepared in the case of a man-made or natural disaster ensures that your golf course or country club team members are ready to respond in the case of an emergency. The ready-to-use kits include important materials such as protective gloves, flashlights, emergency drinking water, and more, and can be customized to suit the emergency preparation needs of your business. 

First Aid Kits

First aid kits are essential items for businesses of all sizes to have on hand. You can have an ideal first aid kit created for your business that will suit the individualized needs of your facility.

Safety Products

Safety products may be necessary for your employees who work in different areas of your facility. Don’t be unprepared should you need safety products for the daily business of your golf course or country club. 

Safety Program Development

If hot work is performed on your golf course or country club grounds, make sure your employees are properly protected and ready for their job duties. A safety program development service can help by offering a survey of the facilities, development of safety manuals for your team members, and training. 

Provide your guests and employees with the first aid and safety features they deserve. Ask Total Fire Protection how they can help your country club or golf course be prepared at all times.

Learn more about first aid and safety programs with help from Total Fire Protection! Contact us today!