Holiday Fire Safety For the Home and Office

Although we typically handle commercial building fire and life safety services, we care about you and your family. That’s why we want to share some safety tips for the holiday season that you can keep in mind, so you and your family celebrate safely. From cooking precautions to Christmas tree safety, here are some tips to keep in mind this and every holiday season.

Cooking Safety

During the holiday season, you’ll likely find yourself in the kitchen quite often. From Christmas dinner to Hanukkah celebrations, food preparation is a big part of the holiday season. While feeding your family and guests, make sure you keep the following cooking safety tips in mind:

  • Be Alert While Cooking:  If you’re tired or have been consuming alcohol, leave the cooking for another time. You want to ensure you are wide awake and alert when using stoves, ovens, and other kitchen appliances.
  • Don’t Leave the Kitchen While Appliances Are On: If you have to leave the kitchen, turn off the stove. You should always be in the kitchen when the appliances are in operation. It only takes a short time for a fire to occur.
  • Use a Timer:  It’s easy to get distracted while cooking during the holidays. Times like this are when a kitchen timer comes in extremely handy. Plus, you’ll be more likely to prepare your meal perfectly.
  • Know How to React Should a Fire Occur: Should a fire occur while cooking in the kitchen, you should know how to respond. If it’s a small stove fire, you could put a lid over the pan and turn off the burner, keeping the pan completely covered until it’s cooled. If the fire occurs in the oven, turn the oven off and keep the door shut. For larger fires, leave the area immediately and call the fire department.

Christmas Tree Safety

Christmas trees are lovely holiday additions, but these beautiful items can also be fire hazards. Practice Christmas tree safety by following these tips:

  • Pick a Healthy Tree: If you’re bringing a freshly cut Christmas tree into your home, make sure the needles are green and the tree limbs, are flexible.
  • Cut the Base: Cut off two inches from the base of the tree trunk before setting it up. Water Daily: Water your tree daily to keep it as fresh and healthy as possible.
  • Place Away from Heat Sources:  Place the tree away from heat sources. A minimum of three feet is advisable.
  • Use the Right Lights: Make sure your Christmas tree lights are qualified testing lab listed and for indoor use.
  • Turn Off Before Bed and When Leaving the House: Never go to bed while your Christmas tree lights are still on. You should also turn off your Christmas tree lights when you leave the house.

Safety with Candles

Candles look lovely in your home year-round, especially during the holiday season. That said, you want to be sure you use these illuminating features wisely. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when burning candles:

  • Keep Candles Away from Other Things: When you place your candles in certain areas, ensure they are at least one foot away from all other items.
  • Blow Out Candles When Not in the Room: If you have to leave a room with a lit candle, make sure you blow it out before leaving. Also, don’t fall asleep with lit candles.
  • Use Sturdy Candle Holders:  Use sturdy candle holders so they won’t tip over while the candle is lit.
  • Burn Candles in a Clear Area: Always burn candles in a clear area where the flame won’t make anything catch fire. Make sure to keep loose clothing and hair away from the flame.
  • Don’t Use Candles in a Home with Oxygen: Don’t light candles in a home where oxygen is used.
  • Don’t Use Candles When the Power Goes Out: If your power goes out, choose flashlights and flameless candles over real candles.

Log Book Importance/Ordering 

As you prepare for the holidays and keep these safety tips in mind, don’t forget to order your fire log books for your business for the upcoming year. This important fire safety product will help you keep your business safe and comply with local fire rules and regulations. 

Contact Total Fire Protection to learn more fire safety tips to use in all spaces and to order your fire log book today!