As quarantine comes to a close and more and more employees and patrons return to the workplace, business owners need to review their first aid kits and ensure they are entirely up to date to provide their staff, tenants, and visitors are safe. Below, we’ll discuss why you need to refresh your first aid kits, the benefits of doing so, and the risks involved in pushing it off.
Don’t Forget: First Aid Kits Expire
While bandages, gauze, and rubber gloves may last indefinitely, many of the supplies are only rated to last for about a year. In addition, first aid kits contain medicine, burn aids, and ice packs that expire over time and lose their potency and usefulness, so they need to be replaced regularly.
Now is the perfect time to survey these kits and replace the expired or near expiring items.
Benefits of First Aid Surveys & Replacements
Surveying your first aid kits to locate any items that have passed their usefulness and ordering replacements will help maintain a safe work environment. Of course, no business owner hopes to use a first aid kit, but having the proper supplies to treat burns, cuts, and other health issues can benefit your employees and keep them from dangerous infections and injuries.
Ensuring that your first aid kits are up to date will also keep you in compliance and help you avoid fines for neglecting to maintain your equipment.
Risks of Letting Items Expire
Many business owners are concerned with paying fines for letting items in their first aid kits expire, but the health and safety of their employees is far more important. Surveying your kit and making sure your equipment is appropriate for your workplace and entirely up to date will mean that any injuries or accidents can be treated on-site, limiting the risk of infection and helping to keep your employees safe from harm.
Having your kit refreshed will also give you some peace of mind that you’re fully prepared for accidents should they occur.
Schedule a Survey Today
Ensuring your first aid kit is surveyed and refreshed is crucial, especially after yours likely sat unused and untouched for a year during quarantine. When you’re ready to make sure your kit is in compliance and up to date, contact one of our friendly professionals for a survey and complete kit refresher.