We live in a finite world. There is only so much water, oil, and land at our disposal. Eventually, we’re going to run out of space, and this will happen sooner rather than later unless we become more conscious citizens.
Besides ideals, environmentalist practices can save you money. From lowering your heat by a couple of degrees to turning your lights off when you leave a room, there are many cost-saving practices you can implement in your life. Here’s one you may have never heard of: eco-friendly fire protection systems.
Eco-friendly fire protection systems are an emerging trend in fire protection. They’re affordable, environmental, and non-toxic. If you want to curb water waste, increase your environmental awareness, and end up with a system that’s at least as effective, choose a clean agent system.
Think about how much water a firehose uses. Think about how much that water costs, and how much water waste that use creates. Of course, desperate times call for desperate measures, and water waste beats out catastrophic destruction. We’re with you there. But what if we could use a non-water agent to extinguish a fire? Then, we could save the earth’s water and battle fires effectively.
Thankfully, many firefighting agents exist besides water. But did you know many of these chemicals are nearly as harmful to humans and the earth as a fire? For example, many fire fighting foams used Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) for decades however we are only now learning of the associated health risks.
Luckily, there has been a lot of research into “clean” firefighter agents in recent years. Clean denotes two things; first, they are safe for humans, and second, they’re environmentally safe as well. Some of these agents are argonite, FE-13, and FM-200 systems.
These chemicals are safe to be around, affordable, and they don’t cause unnecessary harm to computers or sensitive equipment. They emit the extinguishing agent right when a fire sparks, and they hardly leave any residue. Plus, none of the waste is toxic.
Read more today about our clean agent systems, and call us today for a free quote.