There are many reasons why fires occur. One reason is the malfunction of an electrical or mechanical system. This is why your building needs an infrared electrical inspection.
What Is an Infrared Electrical Inspection?
An infrared electrical inspection is a process where thermal imaging is used to uncover any abnormalities or fire hotspots behind walls and in other places where you don’t have a visual. When you detect these potential fire hazards, you can take the necessary steps to correct them and prevent fires in the building.
How Often to Get an Infrared Electrical Inspection
So, how often do you need an infrared electrical inspection? In general, commercial and industrial buildings should have an infrared electrical inspection every year, according to the National Fire Protection Association. This helps to ensure any hidden fire hazards are uncovered before a fire occurs.
Risk of Not Getting an Inspection
There are risks if you don’t get an infrared electrical inspection periodically. You might not uncover hidden fire hazards in time, and a fire could occur within your commercial building or industrial building. Also, you may not comply with certain regulations if you don’t get an infrared electrical inspection when required.
Benefits of an Inspection
When you hire a fire protection company to perform an infrared electrical inspection, you gain the following benefits:
- You know that your electrical and mechanical systems are in safe working order.
- You’ll comply with local regulations as they pertain to fire safety.
- You get a visual of electrical and mechanical systems that may not be in plain view.
- You’re taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety of your property and the protection of the people within it.
Total Fire Protection performs many fire protection services, including the infrared electrical inspection. Learn more by contacting the professional team at Total Fire Protection.