Old or Outdated Fire Alarm Panels and What You Need to Know

Keeping your fire safety system in top notch condition is essential for your business. With a properly functioning, well-maintained system, you can keep your business and the people in it safe.
One part of the system you should pay extra special attention to is the fire alarm panel. After years of use, these panels can become worn, ineffective, and may even stop working. In other words, old or outdated fire alarm panels can break which can cause your entire system to fail.

Fire Alarm Panels Don’t Last Forever

When you first set up your fire alarm system, you probably don’t think about how long the panels last. And considering that commercial fire alarm panels last approximately 15-20 years, the life span of this item may not be a prime concern. But it should be!

In order for your fire alarm panel to operate properly, maintenance and inspections are necessary. And even with proper maintenance, there will likely come a time when you have to get a new fire alarm panel.

Problems With Old Panels

If you don’t inspect and maintain your fire alarm panel, the end result may be unsafe conditions for your business and the people in it. Here are some issues that can occur due to old alarm panels:

End-of-Life Equipment

If you have an old panel, you may not be able to replace it when it nears the end of its life. The manufacturer may not make that same panel anymore, so you’ll have to find a new one that is compatible with your system. Also, when fire alarm panels near the end of their life, your system won’t be as effective as it should be. Even partial failures in end-of-life equipment can lead to larger issues; if you need a replacement part, you may not be able to find it.

Safety Features Change

As technology improves, the safety features of alarm panels may change. With this in mind, your old panel may not have the best safety features that the current models have in place.

Fire Regulations May Increase

Another factor to consider is fire regulations. The fire regulations in your local area may become more stringent and your old fire panels may no longer comply with the rules. Therefore, it might be time to switch out your old panel for a new one.

Pricing May Increase

The older your fire alarm panel becomes, the more expensive it may be to fix or replace it. Also, if you need emergency repairs, you might have to pay a higher price than you would imagine to fix your older model panel.

Compatibility Advancements May Be Less Than Satisfactory

Even if you want to make improvements to your current panel, you might find that the compatibility advancements just don’t provide you with the best end result. You could add new compatibility features, but you still won’t have the best fire alarm panel to meet the needs of your overall system.

Firmware Upgrades May Be Needed

Firmware upgrades may be necessary if you have an older fire alarm panel. However, even with these upgrades, the finished product may not be as good as a new panel.

Old System Might Not Be Adequate for Renovated Space

If you’ve recently renovated your commercial space, your business may be in need of a new fire alarm system. This means you’ll likely need a new fire alarm panel, too.

System is Too Sensitive or Not Working When it Should

If you’ve had the same commercial alarm panel for quite a few years and noticed system sensitivity or that it’s not working when it should, it may be time for a new fire alarm panel, if repairs don’t fix the problem.

Update Your Fire Alarm Panel Today

Now’s the best time to evaluate your fire alarm panel and make the necessary upgrades. When you replace your panel before it fails, you avoid surprise repairs or replacement costs. You can find the new panel that works best in your building and fix the issue before it becomes an emergency situation.

Contact Total Fire Protection to keep your fire alarm panel in the best condition possible today!