You never know when you’ll need your commercial fire sprinkler system. With this in mind, you want to be sure your business has a properly working dry sprinkler system in place throughout the year. Therefore, it’s vital to winterize your dry sprinkler system each year so it works when it should.
Why Winterize?
As a commercial business owner, you’ll be busy handling your day-to-day business operations. With that said, you should take the time to ensure your building has a commercial fire sprinkler system that’s ready to go at a moment’s notice. If you don’t properly prepare your sprinkler system for wintertime, you could risk damage to the system or have your sprinkler system not work at all. Hiring a company to winterize your dry sprinkler system will help maintain your fire safety system in the best possible way.
To Prevent Freezing/Bursting Pipes
If you don’t take steps to have your commercial fire sprinkler system winterized, the end result could be frozen pipes which leads to bursting pipes. When your pipes freeze and burst, you’ll experience broken pipes plus a lot of water damage, which can be costly and timely to repair. Winterizing your commercial sprinkler system can make this result less likely to occur.
To Prevent Emergency Service Calls
Another reason to winterize your dry sprinkler system is that it will help prevent you from needing emergency service calls. If your sprinkler system doesn’t work right, you’ll have to get it fixed immediately for safety and legal reasons. Take the initiative and have a fire safety company winterize the pipes for you.
To Prevent Extensive Damage
Broken pipes that may occur from not winterizing your commercial fire sprinkler system can cause extensive damage. This type of damage will be timely to fix and leave you without the proper fire safety protections in place.
To Avoid Costly Repairs
Whether your pipes break and no water flows out, or both damaged pipes and water damage occur due to not winterizing your commercial fire sprinkler system, you’ll be left with costly repairs. Don’t take this chance! Winterize your sprinkler system so you can rest easy knowing your commercial fire sprinkler system will be maintained and ready to work if needed.
When Should I Winterize?
It’s important to contact a fire safety company to winterize your business’s commercial fire sprinkler system at the right time. You should have the company winterize your dry sprinkler system before winter begins. This will ensure that you beat the freezing temperatures that are on the way in wintertime.
Take steps to Winterize Your Dry Sprinkler System.
Now’s the time to get your dry sprinkler system ready for winter! Partner with a professional – Contact the experts at Total Fire Protection!
For more information about preparing your business for winter, read our article 7 WINTER FIRE SAFETY TIPS FOR YOUR BUSINESS!